
Shilpa Venkateshwaran

Shilpa Venkateshwaran is an IT professional who has spent 10 or so years testing and leading test efforts of software applications. She works as a Senior Software Test Engineer and is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has a passion for leading and managing test projects. Lately her focus has been on creating and using metrics that can be used to incorporate continuous processes improvement to increase test efficiencies. She has worked on creating test processes that can adapt to the changing market needs of software development. She is a learner, teacher, and likes to share her experience with others. Shilpa enjoys reading and blogging.
I also write @

My article – Web-Based Applications – Emerging Trends and Challenges for Testing posted in the Testing Circus Volume 1 Issue 3

Toolsjournal contributions

My Software Test Pro Article


Contact : shillu13@gmail.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/shilpa-venkateshwaran-cste/2/41a/8a8

Twitter: shillu13

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